
We offer the opportunity to work for us as a contractor, setting your own hours, allowing you to also work for others. We believe this is the best way to get you on your path to personal as well as financial freedom. Therefore, most of our jobs are remote and contract work. 

Current Job Listings

Unless otherwise posted, all jobs are as a contractor, are remote, and per project. You'll work as  you'd like but may have deadlines. When sending your resume, please include the job  you are applying for as well as any questions you may have.
Send your resume to 
jobs (at) rubicondigitalmarketing 
(dot) com


As an independent salesperson, you will be selling our marketing services (or other services for our sister companies). You'll set your own hours and make commission not only on a sale, but each month as long as the client remains as a client. We may provide leads but you can and should generate your own leads. We will provide paid training needed to sell our services. You should NOT be salesy. Our business provides services that help other companies grow and we want to build a relationship with those companies and clients.

Web and Mobile App Developers

As an independent developer, you will be assigned projects with deadlines. When and how you work is up to you, but you will have deadlines and use standard coding practices. You'll be creating websites including lead generation pages and/or mobile apps.

Graphics and Ad Designer

As an independent graphics designer, you will be creating graphics including advertisements, web graphics, and more. You'll work with our developers to create graphics based on their needs. You'll be part of a project team and must work well with others.
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